Streamline your business across borders

Control all your stores
The more stores you open, the more difficult it becomes to control costs and implement initiatives across the organisation. You can only be in one place at a time, so effective tools are needed to streamline workflows and ensure a healthy business in all your stores.
In SameSystem, you can easily ensure that your store managers plan optimally from the first day of work. For example, you can set guidelines for how large a percentage of the sales budget they may spend on salaries.
Suppose the store managers try to put together a schedule that does not comply with the guidelines. In that case, SameSystem will either warn or reject the schedule entirely – depending on your settings.

SameSystem delivers results and value and streamlines our retail operations in existing and new markets.

Compatible with national and regional legislation
SameSystem is compatible with labour laws and collective agreements across Europe. You can, therefore, safely open stores in new countries and use SameSystem to calculate overtime, plan holidays, report wages, etc.

International support
With a local presence in nine countries, SameSystem has in-depth knowledge of the European retail industry. We are constantly developing SameSystem to ensure that the solution is adapted to all markets, and we offer support and advice in all main European languages.